
The Time of the Doctor-Official Promo Image, Synopsis and Title Revealed

Whovians are still reeling over the amazing Day of the Doctor, the fantastic 50th Anniversary Special that featured  series regulars Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman that featured the return of David Tennant and Billie Piper and also brought in John Hurt as the Doctor who Ended the Time War.
     Now, barely two days after the premiere of The Day of the Doctor, fans were treated with news of the upcoming Christmas Special that will see the farewell of the fantastic Eleventh Doctor, portrayed by Matt Smith. The News in Question was a Fantastic Promo Image of the Eleventh Doctor and Clara, behind them what appears to be the Silence and in The Doctor's hand is the head of a Cyberman.
 The name of the special has also been revealed to be The Time of the Doctor, a get away from previous titles that had a more Christmas-sy feel to them (The Christmas Carole; The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe; The Snowmen). The Synopsis has also been revealed:
    Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the forces of the universe's deadliest species gather, drawn to by a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them- the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.
 I have, now unfortunately, read rumors/spoilers of the Christmas Special on Tumblr, and it seems to fit in with the synopsis, and I'm afraid that I might know the plot-I really hope not.
      I myself, among many Whovians I'm sure, am not looking forward to this Christmas Special, as it features the farewell of my favorite Doctor. Though, as I've always said, my favorite Doctor will always be the Doctor, 11 has become my favorite incarnation of the Doctor.
     I wouldn't be surprised if we got a full trailer here soon, as it's only one month away,

To see the promo image/synopsis/title reveal, check out Doctor Who TV, I check it daily for Doctor Who news and spoilers!

What do you think of the name/synopsis and title?



  1. Fortunately, I have avoided all spoilers, but I am also dreading the episode because Smith is my favorite incarnation of the Doctor. At least we got to see an amazing 50th Anniversary special before his run was over. But I am optimistic about Peter Capaldi's take on the Doctor.


    1. I'm optimistic too, in a way. I'm trying to accept the change, but when it comes to your favorite Doctor, it's hard. I was open to the change of companions last year, and Clara is slowly reaching the top three favorite companion slot. One of the things that I noticed-and am ashamed that I didn't notice sooner-about the promotional picture (which is now my wallpaper) is that in it the Doctor isn't wearing his purple coat like we saw during filming pictures. Instead, he is wearing the outfit he wore in the Snowmen, which I like to call his Victorian Outfit. I'm also curious about what's in Clara's hands. *Spoilers for the Trailer* I want to know how (from the promotional picture) Trenzalore looks so...nice. It's like a perfect little town ready for Christmas. Minus the fires, and Silence and Cybermen head and the arms sticking out of the snow (which I think is a Weeping Angel), anyway. I want to know how it came from such a pretty place in The Time of The Doctor (from what I can tell from the promotional photo) to the cold and deserted dead planet we saw in the Name of the Doctor. I's making me quite curious! I really think that we'll be getting another trailer here soon as the special is little over a month away. So many questions have been brought on by just the promotional photo and teaser trailer, it's amazing. One thing I do know about the Time of the Doctor is that it's going to be creepy. For me at least, the Weeping Angels freak me out and the Cybermen scare me.
      The 50th was beyond amazing, there are no words to explain the 50th, other than AWESOME, FANTASTIC, AND AMAZING! Yowzah!
