Anyway, the episode was good. The episode took a turn I didn't expect: it tried the horror theme, and it semi-worked. A little bit. We learned more about Melinda May, and we found out she used to be a lot like Skye. The best part of the episode, for me, was the end when Skye, Ward, Simmons and Coulson are playing Scrabble. I won't say what happened next, spoilers I suppose, but it showed that the group are becoming more and more like family throughout every episode. It was a good episode, not as good as the episode about Simmons, but it was okay.
Note- Am I the only one who thought that Fitz was totally going to say 'Are you my Mummy?' when he had the gasmask on? I figured he would because last week a bunch of people spotted a mini TARDIS on his headboard. (I re-watched it and it's there!)
There's a mini TARDIS!? Cool! The ending with Scrabble was my favorite as well, but the episode as a whole might be my least favorite yet. When he was wearing the gas mask I was thinking of the Empty Child as well. Good review as always! :)
Oops, not during last week's episode, the one before that, The Hub, I think. Anyways, when he was packing and he and Simmons were talking you can see a little mini TARDIS on his headboard. I figured at the end it was May who pulled the prank. Thanks!