
Star Wars News-Release Date Released

While I'm sure this has already been spread world-wide by now, I figured I'd jump into the loop. The Star Wars website has revealed the release date for Star Wars: Episode VII. It is to be released December 18th, 2015. Shooting has been scheduled for spring, 2014. With Spring rolling around in a few months, I'm figuring they must have the cast together. If they do, then they are being tight-lipped about it.
    In other Star Wars news, Star Wars: Rebels is to be released in a one-hour special premiere on Disney Channel in Fall, 2014. Beyond that, the series will premiere on Disney XD channels.

 Star Wars: Episode VII News
Star Wars: Rebels News

While I'm slightly excited about Star Wars: Rebels (and the possible appearances of Ahsoka Tano and Princess Leia), I'm still upset about the cancellation of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Beyond that, I'm excited about the new Star Wars movies. I might've had some doubts in the beginning, however they've put together an incredible crew to make it. And with the way the Marvel movies are going-hint: awesome-I have a feeling Star Wars will follow Marvel's steps.


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