
Star Wars Rebels: Full Trailer Released

Alright, they released this one last week, and dummy old me forgot to post about it. Well, actually, I thought I did post it, but I didn't, so, here we are.

Okay. I'm excited. This looks cool, and I really think that the style of animation fits the show (from what I've seen so far). Also, I think Sabine (The girl in the colorful Mandalore armor) will probably be my favorite, as she's described as an artist and an explosive expert. I'm really looking forward to Star Wars Rebels, and I think it's going to be a great show!
 What did you think of the trailer? Do you think Rebels will be a good show? Comment below!



  1. My brother watched the trailer and said it contains possible spoilers, so I have avoided watching it. However, I hope the series is going to be good, but I seriously doubt that it will be. Since it is Star Wars, I am definitely going to watch regardless of how good or bad it is.


    1. Admittedly, it probably won't be as good as Clone Wars, but I'm holding out hope, so, with any luck! Plus, you have the possible appearances of so many characters (hopefully Ahsoka at some point, so long as it's not just to bring her on and kill her off), prequel era or galactic civil war era. You never know. With any luck, it'll be good!
