
Agents of SHIELD 'The Bridge' Review

So, I was finally able to watch the mid-season finale of Agents of SHIELD. I had read what had happened-thanks to reviews-but I think I was more impressed than the first one I watched. The episode was great, not one of the best (like 'FZZT' for example), but the ending was a true shocker. Why does Centipede want Coulson? I guess we'll find out January 7th.

Below is the trailer for the next episode, and it looks amazing.

Questions that have still be left open could be revealed for Season 1 Part 2, such as what's going on with Coulson, and who Skye's parents are. It looks like, in the preview, that Skye becomes a full-fledged Agent of SHIELD.

Favorite Line of the Episode:
When did you stop talking?-Simmons
About three embarrassing sentences ago.-Fitz

Stars: 4



  1. I agree, it was not the best episode yet, but it was very good and the cliffhanger ending has made me ridiculously excited for the next episode! Hopefully they will revealed how Coulson survived in the next episode, or at least give us something. Great review as always. :)


    1. I know! They make it sound like we'll find something out about what happened to Coulson in the trailer, but that doesn't mean anything. I just wonder how they're going to answer the question of what happened to him. I personally don't think they'd go down the life model decoy route, or clone or robot route for that matter, because it's just such a popular theory. Who knows though? Thanks!
