Onto the review!
I've always considered Series/Season Five to kick off a new era of Who. Not just because of a new Doctor, which is usually when a new era begins in the ever-changing universe of Doctor Who. Series Five, I think, had a very difficult job. It had to introduce the audience to a-well, to put it bluntly- new show. Nothing was the same-everything had changed, there was a new Doctor, TARDIS, Sonic, Title Sequence, Logo, Companion and new Writers on the job.
Yes, Season Five had a very difficult job, but Series Five delivered. It kicked off with the wonderful The Eleventh Hour, which featured the first appearance of new companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams (later to make their departure in the sad The Angels Take Manhattan. After that smashing episode, we had The Beast Below, which features Amy's first trip in the TARDIS, and she and the Doctor end up in Starship UK. The rest of the season featured new Daleks, the return of the Weeping Angels and the mysterious River Song; Vampires in Venice, a mysterious alien called the Dream Lord with dark ties to the Doctor; the return of the classic aliens the Silurians, the appearance of infamous painter, Vincent Van Gogh, and finally the epic 2-part season finale, The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang.
Some have said that Series Five had a very fairy tale feel to it, which I guess it sort of did. But behind that, the season has to be one of the best seasons of Doctor Who in my opinion.
The season focused not only on the Doctor and Amy's travel, but the mysterious cracks in time that seem to be following the Doctor's companion. Some of the questions that were asked in this season have yet to be answered, some in Season Six, but it appears we might get a close in the Christmas Special, The Time of the Doctor.
The series has to be one of my favorites, it is actually the first season, to my knowledge, not to have a particularly scary episode-well, not if you include Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone. The series is one of the best, and does it's best to introduce the audience to the changes of the series.
Out of Ten? 11.
Favorite Episodes:
Vincent and the Doctor
Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone
The Eleventh Hour
Vampires of Venice
The Pandorica Opens/Big Bang
Coming Soon
Doctor Who: Series Six Review Doctor Who: Series Seven Review
Doctor Who: 2010-2013 Specials Review (May not include Time of the Doctor)
What were your favorite episodes of the series? How did you like the series? Comment below your opinions!
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