
Agents of SHIELD: Season Two Trailer

Finally (with less than a month to spare), ABC released (well, sorta) a trailer for Agents of SHIELD. Does it look good? One word: amazing! While it could contain spoilers, it does still look amazing! The new time slot (9:00pm) seems to have turned the show slightly darker, which this trailer just screams (admittedly, last season had it's dark moments, but wow!), and I'm really excited to see how they're going to go with it.
P.S. Originally my Ultimate Spider-Man Web Warriors review was going up to today, but oh well!


  1. I cannot decide whether or not I should watch the trailer. I guess I am not going to watch it right now to avoid spoilers.


    1. Sounds good, like I said, I can't really tell if there are spoilers in it.

  2. It's cool to see this series making it to season 2, definitely gonna have to catch up.. Nice trailer too!

    1. Yes it is! Oh-depending on where you left off at-you've got a lot of amazing episodes to see!

    2. LOL,... it was like S01E04 that I saw last... I'm checking to see if I can get a digital copy or if it's on Netflix before I get started... it's hard finding time to wait for it to air on T.V.

    3. Well, I'm not sure if it's on Netflix yet, as the DVD don't come out until September 9th (however apparently some of the copies shipped early). I normally just look for it online.
