
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Review

Screencap from trailer
The second installment in my Star Wars review saga is here, and it's for Attack of the Clones, the second film of the prequels. Once again, I'm saying this: I am completely biased about writing these reviews, but keep in mind it's for May the Fourth. There we go.
 This is actually the only Star Wars movie I went to see in theaters (until next December that is...), I wasn't around for Phantom Menace, and my Dad went to see Revenge of the Sith on his own, cos they weren't sure if I could watch the movie. (I was little back then). So, this is the only movie I went to see. It could be why I like it so much. Onto the review!

Ten years after the Battle of Naboo, Padme Amidala, former Queen of Naboo, is reunited with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his young apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. But when the assassin that is out to kill Padme is killed by a mysterious bounty hunter, Obi-Wan is forced to try to solve the mystery, and uncovers a sinister plot by forces that are more familiar than he thinks. Meanwhile, Anakin is elected to protect Senator Amidala, and as they spend more time together, the more they fall in love with each other.

 Once again, another awesome movie. It's got it all: action, mystery, romance, plain old Star Wars fun. It's a great movie, and it always will be. But, I'm not stopping there, because it technically wouldn't be a review if I did. Some of my favorite scenes in the movie is the battle on Geonosis, when all the Jedi come in versus the Separatists. Awesome scene in my opinion. The romance scenes are okay, but I'm not one for romance (unless it's Castle and Becket on Castle, I just don't care for it), but I do like the picnic scene on Naboo, cos that was a cute little scene. Jar Jar isn't in it as much, which makes sense, since not many people like him, but he's still there, and he's still funny, so, there's that. Another one of my favorite scenes in the movie is when it shows Yoda training the Younglings. It's a fun little scene, and I think it's really nice. Another great scene is when Yoda and Dooku fight. I mean, that's just an awesome scene all around. In all, I quite enjoy the movie, and it's great. Really awesome. Love it.


 For another review, check out James' review here
 What did you think of Attack of the Clones? Comment below!

Tomorrow: The Dark Side rises...Revenge of the Sith review!
Note: Because of this little saga, my review for Agents of SHIELD shall be up on Monday.


  1. That's cool that you got to see the movie in theaters! Attack of the Clones was actually my first DVD when I was kid, so it is the prequel that I have seen the most actually. My favorite part of the movie is that it introduced the Clones and setup for The Clone Wars, which, of course, turned out to be a great series (both version).

    Thanks again for the link!


    1. That's cool. I'm not sure which ones I've seen the most, because I've lost know, I never thought of it that way; this movie is great, and is a great set-up for Revenge, and Clone Wars tv show. And yes, it was a great series. Shame they cancelled it.
      No problem!
