The highly anticipated episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that was to feature Jamie Alexander as Sif, from the Thor movies, premiered last night, but was it worth the wait and the hype?
You're kidding right? The answer would have to be this: duh.
After last week's amazing revelation, I was more or less expecting some answers. Did we get any? Eh, not really. However, Sif helpfully gave Coulson a list of blue aliens she knew of, and one of those were Kree. Maybe those theories that blue dude was a Kree was true, you never know. Anyway, on the answer scale, we really didn't get much, but on the action and question scale, we got a lot. And a good couple bits of humor in the episode too, so let's begin, shall we?
Synopsis: Written By Me
The team find themselves united with Lady Sif, from Asgard and friend of Thor's, who is on the hunt for her arch-nemesis, Lorelei, who is a sorceress who can put men under her spell. But when Grant falls under her spell, the stakes are higher.
'Yes Men' was the episode I'd been looking forward to most (kinda like last year's Doctor Who episode, 'Hide'.). I mean, really. We were going to see Sif again, which I loved the idea of because I liked her character in the films, but we never saw enough of her character for her to end up in the favorite character category. Is she a favorite character of mine now that I've seen more of Sif, and we've gotten to know her a little better? Not a favorite character, but I do like her character. And a cross-over from the big screen to the little screen that wasn't just an after-credits scene, or a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent? Awesome! But besides the awesomeness of having a cross-over, was the wait worth it? Yes. It was. This is one of the best episodes AOS has to offer so far, and I'd have to say, it might just be my favorite of the season so far. The episode had good pacing, starting off in the action, bringing in the crew to meet Sif, them working together, and then finding Lorelei, to her enchanting Ward, to the big fight scenes, la, la, la. So, the pacing was good, the story was good. What was wrong with it? Nothing, really. We got to see more of the Ward/May relationship ironically, and we definitely got a twist that I most certainly didn't see coming at the end of the episode. Am I the only one who screamed 'What?' at their TV during the after-credits scene? Anybody? Eh.. Anyway, the episode didn't give much answers, more questions mostly, and we got to see Lola in action again (sort of, anyway), plus the crossover was cool. The scene between May and Sif was nice, and you really had the feeling of two warriors respecting one another. Now, onto one of the best parts of the episode, the humor. Really. The humor is back again after a serious episode last week, and most of the humor comes from (or centered around) Fitz. Honestly, Fitz had a lot of good scenes in the episode. Sif wasn't in it as much as I'd imagined, and most of the focus was on Lorelei, Ward and May, which is expected I guess. Most of the other characters were kind of in the background, but not in a bad way, everyone had their moment to shine. I was really shocked with Jemma's outburst to Coulson in the beginning. I've never seen her yell at anyone so far in the show, and I was even more shocked that it was Coulson who she yelled at. Skye didn't really have much to do in the episode, mostly because Jemma refused to let her off bed-rest after she was shot, but like I said, the episode mostly centered around Lorelei, Ward and May.
Now, onto the fight scene. Was it cool? It was awesome. I was going 'ooh, ahh! eep!' throughout the whole thing, but it was a cool fight scene (not as cool as the fight scenes in The Avengers, admittedly, but it was a nice comic-book/action-film fight scene, so who cares?). The episode also brought in some questions, and the less spoiler-y one would have to be about Ward, so Minor Spoilers. I've been trying to figure out if what Lorelei said about Ward liking someone else was just to get under May's skin, or was it true? I wonder if we'll find out eventually, but who knows at this point? Now, onto the Major Spoilers-the after-credits scene. At first I was like, did the video mess up or something, then it showed the bug, and I was like, okay, maybe it's the Clairvoyant listening it, maybe that's how he/she knows everything. But no. It was Melinda-flipping-May listening in, and reporting to someone. S.H.I.E.L.D.? Fury? The Clairvoyant? Who knows, but one thing's for certain: there's a traitor amongst us.
Also, is there an episode next week, or is it just that special, 'cause I thought the special was coming on first, then an episode, or was the episode put on a back burner? I'm really curious about this footage from Age of Ultron, though, I mean, they just started filming I think, so what could possibly be available for us to watch or see? Hmmm.....
Agreed, this is one of the best episodes of the series. This is the closest the series has come to tying into the movies and I loved that! Even though we could have used more Sif, she actually got some cool character backstory that ties directly into the movies. Just a thought, but Sif siad that Odin ordered her not to kill Lorelei. *The Dark World Spoilers* Considering that Loki is Odin, I wonder if commanding Sif not to kill Lorelei is because Loki wanted Lorelei's help at some point. Just an idea. :) Great review!
*Spoilers* that's what I thought too when she mentioned 'Odin' sent her, and later said that he ordered not to kill Lorelei. Maybe Loki plans on bringing together a bunch of baddie Asgardians, Lorelei, Enchantress and others (just the ones that I can remember titles of) in order to bring Asgard down or something? Maybe that's Thor 3's story, and they're using AOS as a start off. Who knows? *END OF SPOILERS* Thanks!