Many have been speculating about this and even wishing it were true-could 12 end up with his own Team TARDIS? 9 had Rose and Jack, 10 had Rose and Mickey, and 11 had the Ponds. Could 12 end up with his own little golden trio?
During my first viewing of The Day of the Doctor (which I've been debating on doing an in-depth review on), when the mysterious teacher that works with Clara came and told her the Doctor had called, my spidey-senses started tingling: could he be the new companion to join 12 and Clara? Why else would they show him for such a short time?
According to Tristan Beint, who played this Teacher who's name is Tom, he made some hints that could lead to being the new companion on Twitter.
@pheasantjumpers love it. Are you sure Tom could ever compete with a Time Lord though..? Oho... Keep watching and #dontbuythesun
— Tristan Beint (@TristanBeint) November 28, 2013
In another tweet, this...
@pheasantjumpers now, now, spoilers... But #tomwald, like it. Pass that on to Mr Moffat...
— Tristan Beint (@TristanBeint) November 28, 2013
But in another he mentioned this:
Cripes, there seems to be a lot of conjecture and rumour going on re Tom & #DoctorWho, if any of it's true I'd love it but noones told me..!
— Tristan Beint (@TristanBeint) December 3, 2013
What are my opinions about the possibility of a new companion to join 12 and Clara? Well, I think it'd be a good idea. It would be 12's trio, and the odds are looking good. Because, let's face it, Steven Moffat wouldn't just introduce a side character and not bring him back again as a main one, now would he? Think back to Rory in The Eleventh Hour, River Song way back in Silence in the Library/Forest of The Dead or Strax, Vastra and Jenny in A Good Man Goes to War.So who could end up in Series Eight?
My bets are Tom could end up as the new male companion that rumors say will join 12 and Clara. It's safe to say that UNIT will probably return, hopefully with Kate and Osgood, and that the Victorian Trio, Strax, Vastra and Jenny will return as well. At least, that's what I think. It's nice seeing the Doctor with friends whom he visits on occasion who solve their own mysteries and have to protect their planet on their own and occasionally call him for help.
What do you think of the possibility of a new companion?
Source: Doctor Who TV , Tristan Beint Twitter
A new companion? I am not so sure. I was kind of hoping that the series would go back to just the Doctor and companion since we have had a trio, or more if you include River, over the last few seasons. I am, however, very interested to see more of Clara and the Doctor since she knows more about him than anyone other companion since she went through his timeline, which I hope is explained in later episodes.