
Agents of SHIELD: Pilot Review

Tonight, brand new television show Agents of SHIELD hit our screens for the first time.
 A brand new television set in the world of Marvel Comics, that features fan favorite Agent Phil Coulson ("Uh, his first name is 'Agent'.") and an unlikely team.

Agent Phil Coulson jumps back into action, selecting an unlikely team to investigate the unknown. But when they meet a hacker named Skye, and they have to find a new superhero who is under the effects of Extremis.

The Review:
Most pilots aren't very good, so I'm not basing my judgement of the show on just what I saw tonight. The show seemed to go by quick, and you know what they say-time goes by fast when you're having fun.
 The episode wasn't all action packed, there was a few scenes, but most of it was talking. The episode had some good humor in it, especially from Agent Coulson.
    The episode had to deal with setting up the team, so it's understandable for the episode not to be top-notch. I can't wait for next week's, as the episode ended with a few questions.

 1. Who is Rising Tide?
2. Just how did Agent Coulson come back to life?

Stars: 4


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