The very last part of the Doctor Who tag...that stinks 'cause this was fun!
Let's get started!
Day 19 - Favorite writer-
Steven Moffat, I like his stories, most of them are my favorites-Girl in the Fireplace, Eleventh Hour, Time of Angels, Flesh and Stone, Day of the Moon, A Good Man Goes to War, Let's kill Hitler, Asylum of the Daleks, Bells of Saint John, and The Name of the Doctor. I don't really understand why others don't like his stories, I enjoy them!
Day 20 - What actor you would like to play the 12th Doctor-well, I don't really have an answer to that, unfortunately, but I'm hoping it's an unknown.
Well, that's it.
See yall' later!
I do not understand the Moffat hate either, so many of supposed "fans" say that he has ruined the franchise with the last few seasons. But most of the episodes he writes are among the best, especially "Blink" and any of the recent Matt Smith era episodes.
ReplyDeleteAs for the new Doctor, I am hoping for either an unknown, or Tom Hiddleston, but as long that he is a British guy, I'm will be good with any choice really. We will see who it will be tomorrow though!
I'm just hoping it's not someone I've seen in a movie or tv show before, because if it is I'll be like 'hey, it's [Insert character name here]' and I'll still see them as that character, unless it was like a background character (like Jenna Louise Coleman in Captain America: First Avenger).