The day we've all been waiting for is nearing...
The BBC has just announced that on SUNDAY we will learn the IDENTITY OF THE TWELFTH DOCTOR!
You can see the banner on the official Doctor Who website here.
So now, I only leave you with this:
WHO IS 12?
WOW! I cannot wait! And I am also slightly terrified that they are going to choose a bad actor to play the role. Any word on how Americans will be able to see it? I wonder if it will air on BBC American. Thank you for posting this exciting news!
Did my first comment work? I am actually not sure. Anyway, WOW! I can't wait to see Who the new Doctor will be! I am very excited and slightly terrified that they are going to choose a bad actor.
Yeah, it worked, I just have comment moderation on my blog so that's why it didn't appear automatically. I know, I feel the same way, excited, impatient, and terrified! :) And yeah, It'll be airing on BBC America on Sunday!