
New Edits: Into the Vortex

So, over the year I've been trying to recreate the Vortex in the season five Doctor Who promotional pictures
 and I've finally re-created it!

 It's not exactly perfect, but I love it, this actually just happened accidentally, I was attempting to make something else for a background, and clicked a couple of buttons, and I realized how much it looked like the vortex in the promotional for season five, that I decided finish the back ground. I then added the 'bubbles' as I call them (the ones with the monsters) and then added the cast of characters!
The Doctor
Like in Season Five Promotional, I added monsters to it as well, but I added ones that have some connection to the characters.
With the Doctor is was obvious which ones to go with-Daleks, Silents, and the Great Intelligence.
Amy Pond
There were two obvious villains to put in this picture for me: Madam Kovarian (not sure if that's how you spell her name) and the Weeping Angels. Then it dawned on me; Handbots, (from The Girl Who Waited).

Rory Williams
Okay, I'll admit, I had some problems figuring out who to put in this picture with Rory. Finally, I decided to go with the Cubed Guys (as they kidnapped Brian, there's a connection for Rory), Weeping Angels, and The Robots from Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.
Clara Oswald
The was the first one I did. It was again obvious who'd be in it; Miss Kizlet, the others were harder, but I think the picture works!

The Team
This one was hard. I had to figure out which villains both Amy, Rory, and Clara had met with the Doctor, and I knew Daleks of course, and-sadly-it took me a while to remember Amy and Rory had met the Cyber Men as well...but I still had one spot left! What would it be? I couldn't add Silurians or Sontarans, as Clara's only met friendly ones, and it dawned on me! The Dream Lord and Mr. Clever (Cyber Doctor as I call him), aka POSSIBLE SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN AMY'S CHOICE AND NIGHTMARE IN SILVER!!
darker versions of the Doctor, and I finally had the picture! 



  1. Now these are just awesome! Some of your best yet, particularly the last one and Clara's vortex one. Excellent choices with "Mr. Clever" and the Dream Lord, you blended them really well in the picture too. These are definitely some of your most professional edits, they have a real movie poster quality, just like the original you based it on.

