
Doctor Who: Looking Back: Series Seven

Series Seven Main Cast

Whovians had a very long wait between Series Six and Seven, in fact  from  1st October 2011 to September 1st 2012.  But now, I look back to to the past season...

Cast of Characters:
The Doctor-The Time-Travelling Alien with a dark secret...
Amy Pond-The Girl who Waited, Amelia first met the Doctor when she was seven, and has since become part of his family.
Rory Williams-Amy's husband Rory started traveling with Amy and the Doctor the night before Amy and Rory's wedding, and has been since.
River Song-Mysterious River Song has secrets alright, but she also travels with the Doctor every once and a while.
Clara Oswald-The Impossible Girl, who is she? Clara Oswald has always dreamed of traveling, and finally can.

Overview (Part 1):
The Ponds' adventures with the Doctor are drawing to a close, but at what cost?

Overview (Part 2):
The Doctor has finally found Clara once more, but now he must figure out who she is...

List of Episodes:
Asylum of the Daleks
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
A Town Called Mercy
The Power of Three
The Angels Take Manhattan 
The Snowmen 
The Bells of Saint John
The Rings of Akhaten
Cold War
Journey to the Center of the TARDIS
The Crimson Horror
Nightmare in Silver
The Name of the Doctor

This series/season made some changes to Who, the title sequence changing in each episode in the First part of the Series, the Movie Posters, the brand new title sequence from The Snowmen-??, a new TARDIS interior, and a brand new companion. But one of the most important things in Who is the stories, let's look back...

Asylum of the Daleks- A wonderfully written episode, and a brilliant kick off to the new season. Five Stars.
Dinosaurs on A Spaceship- Funny and charming, one of the funniest episodes of the season. Three Stars.
A Town Called Mercy-A great episode, with some great one liners. Three Stars.
The Power of the Three- Funny, Charming, and a good episode for the Ponds. Three Stars.
The Angels take Manhattan-Sad, Funny, and a great send off for the Ponds. Four Stars.
The Snowmen- Funny, Sad, and pure Christmas Who. Four Stars.
The Bells of Saint John-Funny, Brilliant, and Action packed. Five Stars.
The Rings of Akhaten-Sweet, Charming, and Funny. Three Stars.
Cold War-Scary, Heart Pounding, and Action Packed. Five Stars.
Hide-Scary, Funny, and Charming. Five Stars.
Journey to the Center of the TARDIS-Scary, Pure Who. Three Stars.
The Crimson Horror- Funny, and Dark. Three Stars.
Nightmare in Silver-Creepy, Funny, Dark, and Scary. Five Stars.
The Name of the Doctor- Funny, Bittersweet, Action Packed, Creepy, and Amazing. Five Stars

The Series was the best series, but was indeed entertaining, and I'm looking forward to see what happens next!

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My Favorite Episodes:
Asylum of the Daleks
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Bells of Saint John
Cold War
Nightmare in Silver
The Name of the Doctor

 What Was Your Favorite Episode? What was Your Least Favorite Episode? Comment Below your Opinion on this season!



  1. Overall I would say the season was great, not the absolute best, but I do love Clara.
    My least favorite was definitely The Rings of Akhaten. While it was not completely horrible, it might be the worst Matt Smith episode yet.
    My favorites were just about all of the ones you mentioned, but "The Name of the Doctor" was truly amazing!
    Hopefully I can write a post like this something soon as well.


    1. I look forward to a post like that! Thank you for the comment!
