I enjoyed the episode so much that soon I was watching the rest of the season, and waited a long time for Series Six to come on.
As many other Whovians did, I counted down the days until The Impossible Astronaut. And I came up with theories none stop throughout the season. Then I counted down the days, waited impatiently, looked up spoilers, until Series Seven premiered, and enjoyed every minute of it. Finally, it was Christmas 2012, and I was watching The Snowmen, and now I'm waiting until Series Seven Part 2, which will start with The Bells of St. John. Now, let's begin with the review shall we?
Series Five (2010)
As I stated above, I started with Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone-why, hello creepy statues that move, we meet again-and continued watching from there. But now, I'm going to do a review, not just my story of Who, which is above.

When Amelia Pond meets the Doctor when she's seven years old, her life is changed forever. Fourteen years later she begins to travel with him, and the two find out that there's more to her story than an ordinary girl from a small England town.
The Review:
The series/season itself is wonderfully done, and I have a bunch of favorite episodes in this series/season. The mystery is well done, the humor is wonderful, and the action is great. The episodes are well written, and done perfectly.
Favorite Episodes:
The Eleventh Hour
Vincent and the Doctor
Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
Favorite Moment:
In The Big Bang when the Doctor tells Amelia the story of the 'magical blue box' aka the TARDIS
Series Six (2011)
Series/Season Six was indeed the most confusing, twist-turning, head scratching series/season yet. This season had me attempting to figure things out while pacing around the room.
Amelia Pond hasn't heard from her best friend, the Doctor, for two months. However when a TARDIS blue envelope appears at her doorstep with an invitation, she and her friends, Rory Williams and River Song, finds themselves in Utah, America, meeting the Doctor. But when an event changes their lives forever, they must figure out what happened, and what 'the Silence' are...
The Review:
This Season/Series has very few lighthearted episodes, and this season/series is the darkest Doctor Who has ever been. This Season/Series wasn't as good as Series/Season Five, but still well done. And a lot of mysteries were answered, while some were left unanswered....
Favorite Episodes:
Day of the Moon
A Good Man Goes To War
Curse of the Black Spot
Favorite Moment:
The end of The Wedding of River Song, when Amy and Rory are reunited with River Song.
Series Seven: Part 1 (2012)
Series/Season Seven: Part 1 had many disappointing episodes, and very few good episodes, however, considering there was only five episodes, there wasn't much to favor. Still a good first half of a Season/Series, however, not the best Series/Season there's been.

After years of traveling with the Doctor, Amelia 'Amy' Pond and Rory Williams have gone home, traveling with the Doctor occasionally now. But are their days with the Doctor ending?
The Review:
As I said above, this wasn't a good first half of a series/season. There was only two good episodes of the first half, and the Christmas Special, The Snowmen, was good, but too fast.
Favorite Episodes:
Asylum of the Daleks
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Snowmen
Favorite Moment:
The end of The Angels Take Manhattan, and no, I'm not saying what it is because of spoilers.
What I'm Expecting From Series Seven: Part 2
Here's a list of things I hope to see from Series Seven: Part 2
- Interesting Plot: So far, The Clara mystery is good, but hopefully won't be overused.
- Creepy Monsters: I truly hope these 'Spoonheads' are scarier than they sound-and won't be a joke.
- A Great Season Finale: As good as The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang.

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