
Craft Alert: Wax Candle

Just a burnt down candle, right? Think again my friends. This right here is in fact not at all a candle at all. In fact, it's just a towel roll and a candle holder.
So, read on if you want to learn how to make your own!

Things You'll Need:
Candle Holder
Towel Roll/Cardboard Tube
Hot Glue
Paint (Optional, though Recommended)
Plate (Optional)

Okay, when I saw this pin on Pinterest I knew I had to make my own. After a few minutes of deduction, I knew what I needed, and grabbed what I needed. The best thing was, I had everything I needed laying around the house. So today, I was ready.
And what better thing to do than craft while you're watching re-runs of Psych? Ah, aha, so here we are!

You probably want me to get to the how-to part huh? Okay, well here goes!

Step One:

If you have a small candle holder, like so:
(or something similar) you have the first part down. Next thing you'll need is the Cardboard Tube:

(I cut the cardboard in half, at an angle, though slightly shorted then the one you see here) and after cutting the cardboard, I painted it, originally it was going to be blue, however I was out of blue paint, so I went with red instead. I painted the cardboard, and waited until it dried.

Fast Forward Thirty Minutes, and you have:

Okay, so the cardboard's been cut and painted, so what are you going to do next? Well, for starters, you're going to put the cardboard over the candle holder, like so:
(Note: This was the other half of the cardboard I DID NOT use, so that is why it is longer than the original and not painted)
 Then you're going to start with your hot glue, first start at the bottom, keeping hold of the cardboard, hot glue the cardboard to the glass (note: I actually tried starting the glue from the candle holder before putting the tube on, so you can do that if you want, but I don't think it did anything other than making a pop! sound...) Then go on to the top, the rim part, and trace it out. Make it bigger and bigger, and then make lines across so it looks like the 'candle's' wax has dripped inside the burned candle.
Then you're going to move to the 'dripping' effect. You're simply going to drizzle your glue down the sides, in straight lines, or zigzags. (Note: make the glue look bigger at the top, to make it more realistic.) Wait until it dries. You can also put your 'candle'  on a plate, to give it a nice touch.

That's it. I'd say it'd take twenty minutes, more or less, I didn't really count.
See you Saturday for a Clone Wars Review!


Before and After

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