Christmas is approaching, and young Clara, a barmaid and governess, finds a snowman that appeared out of nowhere. She asks a shadowed man if he built it. It's revealed it's the Doctor, and he says no. He leaves, after her telling him her name, and Clara follows. She climbs aboard his cab, and, after Vastra makes a comment about those 'famous two words' with the Doctor's reply: 'What two words', Clara replies: 'Doctor? Doctor Who?' Famous first words.
Clara soon finds out the Doctor has retired, wishing to be visited by no one, as so he doesn't feel the pain that he felt when he lost the Ponds again. Clara goes to Jenny, Strax, and Vastra for help, who informs her of the Doctor's old ways, and his new ways, once she found that one of the children she looks after is having nightmares of their former Governess, who drowned in the pond. Clara is told to give Vastra one word to tell the Doctor to see if he would help, and why he should help.
Vastra calls the Doctor, and tells him the one word: Pond. The Doctor goes all Sherlock Holmes, and visits Walter Simeon, (he is literally dressed like Sherlock Holmes, and has the butler truly believing he is Sherlock Holmes-this was by far the funniest part in the whole episode, having me in giggles) and figures out that he is controlling the Snowmen, and is part guessed it: The Great Intelligence, which-by the way- is from the Second Doctor Era, Patrick Troughton. Meanwhile, the dead Governess reappears, not even a little bit human: she has turned into ice! (Ice Lady)
After Strax, Jenny and Vastra trap the Ice Lady, the Doctor puts the force field around him and Clara, and they are now inside with the Ice Lady. They run, and climb aboard the TARDIS, and Clara shocks the Doctor: It's Smaller on the Outside. Clara asks if there is a kitchen, because she loves making souffles (The Doctor looks grim here, as if realizing something, meanwhile my mouth dropped) The Doctor gives her the TARDIS key, and, of course-because the TARDIS is on top of a cloud, the Doctor did something, so he lives in the TARDIS on a cloud- the Ice Lady (who was following them) finally makes it to the top, and grabs Clara.
The Ice Lady drags Clara off the cloud, and both fall off the cloud, and into the courtyard of the home that Clara works for as a Governess. The Ice Lady is destroyed, but Clara is already dead. Strax manages to bring her back to life, briefly, as the Doctor and Vastra stop Simeon, The Snowmen, and the Great Intelligence (for now) The Doctor finds out that the family Clara works for melts all the Snowmen because they were crying on Christmas.
The Doctor heads back, and is there for Clara's last moments, his one last hope that the Universe would give him a 'bargain' for saving the world again shattered, he tells her they saved the world. She mumbles one more thing to him: 'Run you clever boy, and remember.' The Doctor realizes something once more (I gasp). The next scene we see is Clara's funeral, which is thrown by the family she worked for, the Doctor is shocked by her full name (which she never told him): Clara Oswin Oswald. The Doctor realizes that Clara is in fact Oswin, he says it was Souffle Girl, and that he never saw her face, and that it was the same woman, who died twice. Finding this impossible, which it is (unless your in Doctor Who) telling Jenny and Vastra that he was going to find her, find Clara, he disappears, and we zoom into her grave stone (while Vastra and Jenny are more than a little confused, and Vastra comments: 'Perhaps the Universe does do bargains) We zoom out of Clara's tombstone, and it's old and cracked, and we see a two young woman standing in the grave yard, one shouts that it's creepy. The girl looking at Clara's grave turns around, and it's revealed she's Clara/Oswin, if that's even her name in that life time, and she says that she's not afraid of Ghosts.
The Doctor heads back to the TARDIS, saying 'Watch me run!'
This wasn't the episode I was expecting. For me, it felt too rushed, she meets the Doctor faster than light, then he realizes about twenty minutes into the episode who the bad guy is and what's he doing. It was too rushed for me. However, I did enjoy it. I was enlightened the Clara still had the same personality, which I was worried over, because I liked Oswin and was afraid I wouldn't like the new companion as much. I enjoyed they mention her being in Asylum of the Daleks, and I truly like the new Title Sequence, the new TARDIS and new companion. I was worried when I read online of rumors that Clara would die in the episode, that it would be another 'River Song' story arch. In a way it is, with much more mystery. Obviously Clara isn't a Time Lady, they have to regenerate, so does that mean anything?
The Changes:
The Theme Song/Titles:
They are amazing, much better than any of the other titles I've seen since New Who started, it's the best ones I've seen in the whole series. I love the colors and the way it's designed. It's brilliant.
Love it, at first I was skeptical, but I enjoyed it, it was a lot more alien, and a lot more cool. I love the new TARDIS as well.
It seems as if the Who Crew have been making a lot of good changes, I just hope that 11 stays a lot more longer, he's my favorite Doctor.
Favorite Line:
The Doctor: I do the hand grabbing that's my job, that's always me!!
Favorite Character: Clara Oswin Oswald
On Clara's gravestone, there is something that I found odd, either it's a clue or just a tribute, Clara's birthday was 23rd November, ring a bell?
Also on her grave was 'Remember Me. We shall meet again' A message to the Doctor perhaps?
Coming Soon:
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