
The Amazing Spider-Man Review!

Alright first off, Spider-Man was one of my first favorite superheroes. I loved the Trilogy and watched them a billion times. A few years later, Spider-Man had come back to the screens, with The Amazing Spider Man.
I have to admit, I wasn't holding my breath on this one, I figured it wouldn't be any good-no offense Spidey guys-and I was dead wrong. I enjoyed it. Far more than I figured I would, I liked the character of Gwen Stacy, and I thought it was well done.
I'm not going into details as it's only on it's second day out in theaters, so.....
4 Stars!

Is it better than the originals? Possibly, the jury isn't out yet, but I enjoyed the ride, and I found myself enjoying the movie.

Mary Jane Watson, Played by Kirsten Dunst, in the Original Trilogy.

Gwen Stacy, played by Emma Stone in The Amazing Spider-Man

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